Work transitions occur today more frequently than ever before. Economies have been evolving rapidly, and the emerging gap between the existing and required skills in the job market leads many individuals to (have to) change jobs or significantly upskill to remain relevant.
Everywhere we look now, there is evidence of a misalignment between jobs and the required skills to fill them. A recent OECD report highlights that more than 40% of workers feel their skill levels do not match well with their current job. And according to ILO, every day, almost half of the employers hire over-skilled or under-skilled workers because they cannot find people with the right set of skills. Considering that the lack of certain skilled talents can limit the ability of companies to adopt new technologies and therefore lead to lower competitiveness and output, enabling individuals to access those skills and transition successfully emerges as an essential lever for a fast recovery.
Download our whitepaper and learn how career transition can be a lever for recovery.
“Skilling investments are a waste of money when they lack the career guidance support."
Murielle Antille, Head of Government and Industry Affairs at LHH