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Career Navigation: Successfully Transitioning Industries

Learn expert strategies for a successful industry transition as a job seeker. Discover how to identify transferable skills, network effectively, and build resilience.

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Posted On Jun 28, 2023 

Whether by choice or circumstance, transitioning industries as a job hunter can feel like a daunting task. But with careful preparation, targeted efforts, and a little bit of grit, you can make the jump and find your place in a new industry. As experts in recruitment solutions at LHH, we've guided thousands of candidates through industry transitions. Here are some strategies we've found to be effective.


Identifying Transferable Skills


The first step in your transition is to identify your transferable skills. These are skills you've gained from your previous roles that can be applied to a variety of industries. They could be technical skills such as project management or data analysis, or softer skills like leadership, communication, and problem-solving. Regardless of the industry, these skills are valuable and in-demand.


When considering a job in a new industry, draw a clear line from your transferable skills to the requirements of your target job. For example, if you've excelled in project management in the IT sector, consider how this ability could translate to overseeing projects in another industry such as marketing or construction.


Communicating Your Value


After identifying your transferable skills, you need to effectively communicate your value to potential employers. Highlight these skills on your resume and LinkedIn profile, providing concrete examples from your previous roles. In interviews, frame your past experiences in a way that is relevant to your new industry. Don't focus solely on the specific tasks you performed in your past jobs, but rather how your skills led to successful outcomes.


Lifelong Learning


Continuous learning is crucial when transitioning industries. By proactively acquiring knowledge and skills relevant to your target industry, you demonstrate your commitment and adaptability to potential employers. There are many online resources, courses, and certifications that can help bridge the knowledge gap when changing industries. Be sure to include any new certifications or training on your resume and LinkedIn profile.




Networking is a powerful tool for any job hunter, but especially so when you're aiming to break into a new industry. Begin by tapping into your existing network. You'd be surprised how many degrees of separation you are from someone in your target industry. Additionally, attending industry-specific events, joining professional groups, and reaching out to industry leaders on platforms like LinkedIn can give you a firsthand look at the industry and provide invaluable connections.


Stay Resilient


Transitioning industries is not an overnight process; it requires time, patience, and resilience. There may be setbacks along the way, but remember, each step forward, no matter how small, brings you closer to your goal. Leverage your transferable skills, never stop learning, make connections, and most importantly, trust your intuition, skills and experience.


At LHH, we understand that every career journey is unique. If you're considering a transition to a new industry, we're here to help guide you through the process. Start your journey by searching for your next job on, or speak to one of our expert recruiters who can provide personalized advice and support. Change is a natural part of any career path, and with the right guidance, you can make the leap with confidence.


Here's to your next adventure in the world of work!