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Temping for students

Student life is exciting, challenging... and expensive. Are you one of the many undergrads who needs to work part-time?

Here’s why temping is made for you.

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Posted On May 11, 2023 

Student life is all about new experiences. One of them is realizing how much everyday life costs.


Who knew how much money you were saving by getting your laundry done and your meals cooked for you at home?


In France, although the tuition fees are comparatively low, you’ll pay between €800 and €1,800 per month to live. Zut alors.


In the UK, while a long-term student loan will cover part of living costs, you’ll spend an average of £924 per month and need to find around half of it yourself. Ouch.


And in America monthly living costs can stack up to $1,850. Jeez.


So it’s not surprising that around 74% of US students work alongside studying. In the UK it’s around 59% and in France it’s 48%.


All of which makes temp work a lifeline for student survival.


Temporary contracts can fit around your studies. Good agencies will tailor work offers to suit your weekly timetable. Up for trying anything? You’ll be in demand.


Graduate-friendly offerings can include roles such as:


  1. Entry level graphic design

  2. HR or admin support

  3. Data entry coordination

  4. Entry level bookkeeping

  5. Customer service


Most universities and colleges have a tried and trusted list of temping agencies who value students.


Temping also means you’re not locked into anything permanent when it’s time to travel home for the summer!


But it can offer much more than stop-gap earnings. As well as building up work experience and beefing up your resumé, you can use temping as a track into the industry you’re targeting after graduating.


While internships and student placements are often available, how much better to gain skills, contacts and inside knowledge while also getting paid?Partner with a temp talent agency, try on new roles and industries, and you might just find yourself employed in your dream job after graduation.


Connect with a LHH recruiter to learn more!