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Position Your Organization as an Employer of Choice

Explore key factors beyond salary that employees value in an employer, from work-life balance perks to strong leadership and cultural values.

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Posted On Nov 22, 2023 

It should come as no surprise that, when it comes to attracting and retaining talent, compensation is the number one priority for employees and job seekers. Data from our 2024 Workforce Trends Report (based, in part, on responses from 500+ employees and job seekers) backs that up—44% of employees said that “increasing compensation” is the most important thing an employer can do if they want to attract or retain them, and 41% said “offer more bonuses.” However, let’s take a look beyond the paycheck and see what employees and job seekers are looking for an “employer of choice.”


What are employees looking for from an employer?


Outside of compensation, what alternative rewards or benefits do U.S. job seekers consider valuable as part of a job offer? Our respondents seemed to value perks that promoted greater work-life balance, such as paid family leave (33%) and flexible/remote working options (32%).


We got similar responses when we asked them, “What should companies increase investment in to better attract and/or retain talent?” Employees and job seekers told us that organizations should focus on “generous paid time off” (33%) and, again, “flexible/remote working options” (28%).


Regarding flexible and remote working options, it should be noted that 79% of employers and 74% of employees told us that it is a priority for employees to return to the office for work at least partially. This indicates a majority of the American workforce is expecting a return to in-person work in one way or another. However, we did notice a gap when discussing “hybrid” work options (a combination of in-person and remote arrangements):


  • 25% of employers offer hybrid work options
  • 35% of employees are interested in hybrid work options


It’s clear that hybrid arrangements are attractive to today’s employees and more employers should consider offering these options. However, when promoting greater work/life balance, it’s important to look beyond flexible/remote work arrangements and consider perks such as paid family leave and generous (perhaps even unlimited) paid time off to position your organization as an employer of choice.


What are employees looking for in an employer?


In addition to perks, employees and job seekers are looking for an organization with strong values and a strong purpose—and that starts at the top. Here’s what they told us when we asked, “Outside of compensation, what makes people want to work at an organization?”


  • 39% Good workplace culture
  • 34% Strong leadership team
  • 25% Environmental, social and governance (ESG) or social responsibility initiatives


The answers were pretty similar when we asked, “What should companies increase investment in to better attract and/or retain talent?”

  • 32% Strong leadership team
  • 27% Strong employer brand/strong purpose
  • 29% Good workplace culture


Yes, perks are important, but employees and job seekers want to work for leaders who are trustworthy, supportive, and can articulate and execute a strong organizational vision.


The Right Salaries are Only Part of the Package


At LHH, we understand that offering competitive compensation is still the top component in positioning yourself as an employer of choice. That’s why we take great care to source the most reliable and current salary data for you. However, because we know today’s top talent expects benefits beyond the paycheck, we can also help you develop a strong non-comp benefits package.


Get the salary info you need to improve your salary offers and establish yourself as an employer of choice—download your free copy of our 2024 Salary Guide now.