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Making the Most of Your Recruiter Relationship

Discover key strategies for candidates to effectively collaborate with recruiters, enhancing their job search and career growth opportunities.

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Posted On Feb 15, 2024 

We’ve all been there – submitting applications, finessing cover letters, going on interviews, negotiating your compensation – the whirlwind process of making your next career move. Navigating the job market can be exciting and full of promise, but it’s also often frustrating and overwhelming as you wade through the trenches of candidates, competing for a single spot. That’s why having a knowledgeable partner by your side is such a game-changer, and if you’re reading this – you've made that discovery.


Congratulations! You now have the inside scoop on market trends, a second set of eyes on your resume and application materials, an inside track to open roles, and someone to represent you during tough negotiations. After working with thousands of candidates across nearly every industry for decades, we have a few tips to help you make the most of your recruiter relationship, ensuring long-term success.


Here are our top tips for truly leveraging this partnership:


Open and Transparent Communication is Key


It sounds simple, but it’s an important piece: At the core of a successful recruiter-candidate relationship is honest and transparent communication. Be clear and realistic about your job preferences, availability, and any changes in your job search status. If your recruiter shares a job opportunity that you don't think is a good fit, don't be afraid to share negative feedback. On the flip side, tell them if you’re excited about a particular role! It’s to your advantage to share as much information as possible with your recruiter.


Be honest about other job applications or offers you're considering. If you receive another offer or change your mind about pursuing another job, tell your recruiter as soon as possible – we understand that things change and we’re here to support your career journey. This transparency allows your recruiter to identify the right opportunities for you, advocate effectively on your behalf and manage timelines.


On a more tactical note, let your recruiter know how you prefer to communicate. Whether it’s phone calls only or a quick text – setting this expectation fosters effective communication down the line, especially in cases where your recruiter needs an immediate response for a quick-turnaround opportunity.


Discussing Salary and Career Goals


A pivotal aspect of your relationship with your recruiter involves salary negotiations and career aspirations. Having open discussions about your salary expectations and future goals helps your recruiter advocate for you effectively. They possess the market knowledge to guide you in setting realistic and competitive salary expectations. Let them know what, beyond a dollar range, is important to you – flexibility? A great 401k? Non-traditional benefits? This can all be negotiated to get you an overall compensation you’re happy with.


Your recruiter can also ask preliminary questions for you, gathering information about the company’s compensation packages and culture to help determine if it aligns with your expectations – saving you time and energy wading through the process by offering curated opportunities.


Leveraging Recruiters’ Expertise


Recruiters bring a wealth of knowledge about market trends and in-demand skills. Engage in conversations about professional development and emerging roles within your industry, their insight can be instrumental in aligning your job search with the current market demands.


Keep your professional profiles and resumes updated to reflect your current skills and experiences, showcasing your value to potential employers. Discuss areas for professional growth or certifications that can enhance your job prospects.


Take advantage of having a free expert at your disposal! Your recruiter can offer advice on your resume, give you interview tips, provide honest feedback about your candidacy presentation as well as insight into negotiations and the hiring process. They’re only successful when you are!


Navigating Interviews and Job Offers


Make sure to react quickly to interview requests and job offers – your promptness can be the difference between securing a coveted role and missing out on an opportunity.


We are always working to give you as many job opportunities as possible. If you're unable to make it to a scheduled interview, or if you're running late to a meeting with a client, please contact us right away. We understand that things happen but let us help you reschedule or cancel your meeting right away and keep the relationship intact.


Most clients will be hoping for an answer to an offer relatively quickly (Sometimes within 24 hours). Responding expeditiously to messages from recruiters shows respect and commitment to the job search. A fast response can also help you acknowledge any time-sensitive opportunities, such as same-day interviews. Check your inbox, texts and voicemail regularly for correspondence.


If you accept a position through us, please be sure to stay in touch during the onboarding process. If you change your mind or get another offer before you start your new role, communicate this to your recruiter right away. We’re here make sure your job search is a success, but we also need to update our clients as soon as possible and find another great candidate for their role – it’s a balancing act, and your transparency and fluid communication makes all the difference.


Documentation and New-Hire Logistics


Your recruiter can guide you through the nuances of both contract and full-time roles. Understanding the benefits and drawbacks of each type of employment can help you make informed decisions that align with your career goals.


Any time you accept a position, your employer is required to do onboarding paperwork. Some of this is required by the government in order for you to be paid. Be sure you know where your personal documents are to complete I-9 and/or direct deposit forms. If the role is temp or temp to hire, you will be onboarding with LHH. If the role is direct hire, much of the onboarding paperwork will be done with the employer directly. Also, please make sure we have your most updated resume. You will be asked to provide references. Having everything collected as we start the process will keep things rolling!


After Placement Support: Building a Long-term Relationship


Your relationship with us at LHH and your recruiter doesn’t end once you land a job. Especially in temporary roles, staying in communication throughout your assignment is crucial. They are a continuous resource, offering support and guidance as you navigate your new role, and ultimately helping you to find your next role!




If you’re unsure about any aspect of an assignment or the recruitment process, don’t hesitate to ask questions. Clarifying your doubts will help you to make informed decisions. Recruiters are more than just intermediaries; they are your career partners. Providing honest feedback, both positive and negative, helps them refine their approach to suit your needs better.


If you haven’t been partnered with a recruiter yet (but want to be!) start by applying to one of the open roles on our website, or check out our job seeker hub.