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Optimism and Openness Amid Corporate Acquisitions and Restructuring

A conversation with Reuben Cohen and Mike Russomano: How flexibility and optimism help executives thrive in unpredictable circumstances.

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Posted On Sep 18, 2023 

Mike Russomano thrives in change. The former President and CEO of Wyeth Nutrition and a Peer Advisor in LHH’s ICEO executive career advisory practice, Mike has had a storied career. But from his perspective, it is not a story that fits neatly into a conventional narrative. Across his many roles and companies, Mike was on the acquired side of three major M&A events.

Acquisitions can be chaotic and tense, especially for executives. In addition to managing the anxiety of those around you, executives at acquired companies fear for their own job security and the impact on their families. But Mike is one of those leaders that people turn to in times of uncertainty.  

“I subscribe to the idea that great leaders maintain grace under pressure. There are a lot of things we can’t control in life, but we can control how we act.”

Unpredictable changes are tests for executives. The ones that do the best are those who recalibrate on the fly when their plan gets thrown out—they understand the difference between an event that is “unplanned” versus one that is “disruptive.” 

A career defined by change

Mike’s first experience with being acquired came early in his career when the company then known as General Foods was bought by Philip Morris. While some might see nothing but risk, Mike learned that thoughtful career changes can help to unlock new opportunities. As Mike continued to build his career, he chose to move from consumer-packaged goods (CPG) to healthcare, and then eventually to pharmaceuticals. 

Mike's next acquisition was after he joined Wyeth Pharmaceuticals—in 2009, Pfizer purchased the company in one of the largest M&A events in history. After the sale, Mike transitioned to Pfizer's global nutrition business and took a role as the Chief Marketing Officer.


Eventually, Pfizer decided to move away from nutrition and sought to sell it off. In 2012, Nestlé purchased the nutrition business and Mike led the integration effort. When the dust settled, Mike accepted the role of President and CEO of the newly named division, Wyeth Nutrition.


Spotting opportunities during transitions

Mike sees these acquisitions as pivotal career moments. These were key times when he set himself up for his next chapter. But Mike knows that success was not guaranteed—he jokes that he learned to navigate change by observing other leaders who didn't see the opportunities available to them.

“I stayed calm and found the roles that were right for me. Most executives could be good at this… if they can avoid feeling side-swiped by the event itself."

It’s a lesson Mike reinforces in his work with ICEO clients. Transitions are a chance for executives to recalibrate—to pivot toward a better, more exciting career path. What’s more, he reminds clients that the path does not always have to be a straight one. 

“Whenever I moved industries, it was because I saw an opportunity there. While it was a big change, I was confident in the choice because it leveraged my skills and experience and provided a path to further career growth.”

His experience illustrates that leaders with clear aspirations can better navigate their choices. His big career transitions unlocked his career potential in the long run. His clarity was a key part of getting him where he wanted to be.

Helping others through change

Of course, leaders can’t just look out for themselves through major change. It is when things are most uncertain that teams look to their leaders for guidance.

When Pfizer decided they would sell off the nutrition business, Mike knew it would be a shock to his people. He gathered his leadership team—many who had just recently been recruited—and personally told them the news. While no one knew what this sale meant for them in the long term, it was important for him and his team to help the organization navigate the transition.

“Great leaders emerge during big changes. Those are moments where you can really help people—when they’ve been hit with a shock and are attempting to process what to do next.”

This philosophy defines Mike’s current role as a Peer Advisor in ICEO, where he helps other executives to navigate their transitions. He shares what it means to have grace under pressure—leveraging creativity and optimism to see the opportunities in front of you. After all, unpredictable changes can be the foundation for a rewarding next chapter.



Reuben Cohen

Reuben Cohen is the North American Managing Director for LHH's International Center for Executive Options (ICEO). He and his team work as trusted advisors to CEOs and other top-of-the-house leaders, guiding them through career inflection points to a variety of new paths.

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