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New Technologies: Essential in Recruiting Your Talent

The world of recruitment is constantly evolving, especially in digital development. This growth has accelerated due to the health crisis, transforming communication in the workplace. With this in mind, we ask the question: how can technology help you find talent?

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Posted On Apr 13, 2021 

Artificial Intelligence: Rapid & consistent selection

Being efficient and consistent during your recruitment process is key to finding the candidate who best meets your needs. This is where Artificial Intelligence comes in. Algorithms can help sift through multiple CVs for preselection, and quickly identify the most suitable profiles. The automation of these tasks saves time, while allowing consultants to fully focus on interviewing and more intricate tasks.

Other digital tools such as chatbots provide invaluable support for your HR team. These virtual assistants can respond to candidate queries almost instantly. Very powerful sorting tools, they will help you source the best talent for each role, while enhancing and speeding up communication with candidates.

Another form of assessment has also emerged in recent years: predictive recruitment. This method uses analytics and profile data to source best-fit candidates. These days, skills such as resilience, agility and emotional intelligence are in high demand. By using technology to assess candidate potential, you can focus on the individual and their behaviours - not just their professional experience.

Virtual Reality: Get to know your candidate

Is video interviewing the new normal in recruiting? Already adopted before the health crisis, virtual interviews have seen a surge in demand, largely due to restrictions and social distancing measures. This allows for more efficient preselection, enabling interaction with a large number of candidates at the early stage of the interview process within a short period of time. You can get a sense of candidate behaviour and personality better than in a phone interview. In addition, being able to record the interview allows you to revisit the meeting to help you decide on the right candidate for the role.

Immersive 3D videos are also becoming a useful part of the recruiting and onboarding process. They allow applicants to familiarise themselves with your work environment, to meet their prospective teams or to learn more about your company culture. A study conducted by CareerBuilder revealed that job postings using video are viewed 12% more and generate 34% more applications than postings without video2 . This is an innovative method sure to attract new talent.

Personality tests & courses: Assessing soft & hard skills

A recent study found that communication and interpersonal skills are among the top skills organisations look for in today’s candidate3 . Furthermore, research carried out at the end of 2020 revealed that over half of organisations – 58% - place higher importance on soft skills than hard skills4 . Emotional intelligence is essential in executives and leaders in order to motivate and inspire their teams, while empathy or optimism drives effective management.

The use of online personality tests can identify these traits in candidates, enabling you to assess their communication skills, how well they will fit with the team, and their professional behaviour. Popular examples are the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, which determines the candidate’s personality type, and the Personality and Preference Inventory, which identifies the workplace of a candidate. You can also use a quiz or an MOOC (Massive Online Open Course), to test both hard and soft skills virtually. Thanks to these tools, you can easily and quickly assess the skillset of each candidate.

You can use this challenging time as an opportunity for growth. Embracing new technologies will enhance your recruitment process and enable you to source the perfect candidate that possesses the right skillset, fits your company culture, and aligns with your business goals.