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3 steps to building a coaching culture

A business's success depends on a mix of several factors, including strong leadership, a clear vision, a great product, strategic marketing, and thriving company culture.

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Posted On Apr 10, 2024 

No matter how a company gets there, long-term success requires time, effort, and a focus on the most important factor of all - people.

Coaching is proven to unlock an individual’s capabilities and ensures that teams sustainably perform at their best. Therefore, to drive lasting change and success, a coaching culture is essential.


Three steps to building a strong coaching culture:

  • 1. It all starts with leadership
    Leaders who embrace a coaching culture approach conversations and relationships differently. They don't simply tell people what to do and how to do it. Instead, they involve everyone in finding solutions. That builds trust and engagement.
  • 2. Coaching needs a learning architecture
    Even though you want all leaders to embrace a coaching culture, you shouldn't expect every leader to obtain the same level of coaching skill. A learning architecture needs to be established so that coaching skills can be matched with leadership roles to ensure that those who most need them, get them.
  • 3. Build a coaching community
    If there is a community focus on coaching within the organisation and a continuous emphasis on training and development, coaching will become fully integrated into how the organisation operates. Using technology platforms can help leaders connect and learn from each other about how to handle specific coaching scenarios.

A coaching culture has an impact on both the organisation and the individual.

For the organisation: It drives change in key areas such as organisational transformation, digitalisation, high performance, cultural shifts, and diversity and inclusion.

For the individual: It supports an employee's career journey from onboarding to leadership development, adjusting to remote and hybrid work, or even internal career mobility.

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