Retaining Employees After a Difficult Tax Season | New York Times
Employees are feeling more burnt out than ever because of the COVID-19 pandemic, and accountants and CPAs are no exception. In this article, Allison Irvine of LHH Recruitment Solutions explains how companies and firms can stay ahead of the great resignation by creating a workplace culture that encourages flexibility and rewards employees with benefits that matter to them.
The economist David Rosenberg says it’s not just possible but likely that the U.S. economy will fall into a recession this year, partly because, he says, the Federal Reserve will go too far in raising interest rates to fight inflation, which is at a 40-year high.
"Comment rendre votre CV <br/>efficace ?"
Les recruteurs reçoivent chaque jour de nombreux CV, il va donc falloir attirer leur attention et se démarquer des autres candidats. Pour cela votre CV doit être clair et synthétique, mais aussi attirant visuellement. Laissez LHH vous donner quelques conseils précieux qui vous aideront à décrocher un entretien d'embauche à coup sûr.
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