Preparing for the AI-Powered Future: Job Trends to Watch For

Learn which positions will be most vulnerable to new technology and how to adapt to the changing workplace and maintain peak employability.
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The fear of technological unemployment (losing work to automation) is nothing new—it’s one that dates back for centuries. Many employees are concerned that the rise of automation will result in self-obsolescence, yet today, there are more jobs available than people to fill them. Yes, AI will impact millions of jobs worldwide, but the majority of workers (62%) believe these shifts could actually be positive ones. And they’re not wrong to think so.


Experts agree that AI is predicted to generate more jobs than it displaces, and these new jobs will demand a unique blend of soft and technical skills that only humans can offer. Continue reading to learn more about which positions will be most vulnerable to new technology and how to adapt to the changing workplace and maintain peak employability.


Which jobs are the most vulnerable to AI?


Customer Service


AI tech, such as chatbots and virtual assistants, are making customer service one of the first jobs to be automated. The majority of questions customer service employees face are repetitive—they’re called “frequently asked questions” for good reason. Therefore, responses can be easily automated and require little human interaction. In fact, 27% of employees are already using AI for faster customer/client response times, improving satisfaction levels.


Administrative Assistants & Receptionists


Similar to customer service, admin assistants and receptionists typically perform routine tasks. Answering calls and communicating with clients is at the core of this profession, making it easy for AI to assume some of the more mundane tasks like transcribing notes and sending appointment reminders.




AI has the ability to process data quickly, conduct research, identify important facts, and generate legal reports much faster than human paralegals. This efficiency will potentially revolutionize the field of law by saving time and resources. But it’s important to note that human paralegals still possess valuable skills such as critical thinking, legal analysis, and judgment, which cannot be replicated by AI—at least not yet.


Accountants & Bookkeepers


AI has a natural ability to crunch and calculate numbers and is getting better at doing so. AI-powered software can automatically categorize expenses, reconcile accounts, and create financial reports. This saves accounting professionals a lot of time doing mundane work and reduces the risk of manual errors. However, it’s not capable of the context-based decision-making that human accountants have experience doing.


Warehouse Employees


AI is already used in factories and warehouses to quickly locate and retrieve packages. As this technology advances, AI-powered machines are becoming faster and more efficient than their human counterparts.


Coders, Programmers, & Software Engineers


AI is already pretty impressive when it comes to writing code. While writing-heavy jobs still require a bit of creativity and human understanding, coding and programming do not. The field of software development is no exception. Code writing is one profession that is enjoying the most productivity boosts from using AI.


Graphic Designers


Graphic design may be one of the more at-risk jobs. Tools like DALL-E are capable of creating professional-looking and eye-catching images in a matter of seconds. What’s more, these AI tools are already available to the public.


Embracing AI: The importance of learning new skills


AI is the most significant technological transformation since the Internet became a business tool. Understandably, the rapid growth and advancements in AI tech have caused a frenzy, particularly among the workforce. But many fail to realize that AI has already been around for quite some time. Interactions with chatbots, virtual assistants like Siri or Alexa, phone navigation systems, and even social media algorithms are all examples of AI that we often overlook. It’s worth noting that these advancements have not replaced us, they’ve only made us more productive.


For employees and job seekers, the most important career choice you will make is to embrace AI and strive to understand it. You’ll have to take accountability for reskilling yourself to be considered high-demand talent—especially if you work, or would like to work, in one of the above careers. Here are some ways you can stay ahead of the curve and maintain a position of advantage in the workplace.


Embrace Lifelong Learning


It’s time we adopt a work culture of continuous education and learning, as this is likely to be the norm for the foreseeable future. With the exception of certain professionals, many workers share a similar level of expertise when it comes to AI. So, what can you do to get ahead and stay ahead? Embrace the fact that AI is here to stay, and seek out opportunities to upskill and reskill to align with the changing demands of the job market. A great way to stay informed is through online courses, workshops, industry events, and engaging with employers on how they can better guide your transition.


Develop AI Literacy


Develop an understanding of AI concepts, terminology, and applications. Get to know different types of AI systems, such as machine learning (ML), natural language processing, computer vision, and more. This knowledge won’t just help you better collaborate with AI technology but also help you distinguish yourself from peers.


Expand on the Skills that Complement AI


Here’s the thing—AI will be taking over tasks and dramatically changing the way we do business. But it will never be able to take over the valuable, fundamental human skills of judgment, critical thinking, creativity, and empathy. So, make sure to expand on your human-ness, too. Soft skills are being regarded as the most in-demand as we transition to an AI world. We’ve listed some of the most sought-after skills you can practice to improve your competitiveness in the job market:


  • Creativity
  • Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving
  • Leadership
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Relationship-Building
  • Verbal Communication


Remember, AI is a tool created by humans for humans. AI does not enjoy consciousness, empathy, or emotions; it only imitates our reasoning processes based on programming and data. This understanding is essential in suppressing fears of AI and developing the confidence to own it.


Download our infographic to learn more about AI’s potential impact on your career or access more great resources for your job search here.