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Accounting and Finance

Successful companies rely on their accounting and finance teams to provide sound advice on everything from taxes and investing to payroll and budgeting. Take advantage of LHH’s years of recruiting experience in accounting and finance to find your dream candidate or job.

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Unlock your full potential

Connecting exceptional accounting and finance talent with exciting careers at leading businesses and organizations is a specialty at LHH. Our advisors can help you build new skills, network with other accounting and finance professionals, take leadership training, receive career coaching, improve your resume, and transition into a new role, or even try a new career path.

Unlock your full potential

Connecting exceptional accounting and finance talent with exciting careers at leading businesses and organizations is a specialty at LHH. Our advisors can help you build new skills, network with other accounting and finance professionals, take leadership training, receive career coaching, improve your resume, and transition into a new role, or even try a new career path.

Latest insights

With a deep understanding of the world of work, and powered by knowledge from decades of experience, our experts provide strategic insights and thought-provoking perspectives to help you stay ahead of the competition.
A businesswoman looking at a distance
A businesswoman looking at a distance
Naviguer les Obligations en Matière d'Indemnités de Départ au Canada : Informations Clés pour les Employeurs
Team meeting in an office conference room
Team meeting in an office conference room
7 éléments essentiels d’un programme complet de perfectionnement du leadership
Un programme complet de perfectionnement du leadership est essentiel pour identifier les futurs dirigeants et constituer un solide réservoir de talents. En se concentrant sur l’intelligence émotionnelle dans le leadership, la formation au leadership inclusif, l’adaptabilité du leadership et les stratégies d’encadrement, les organisations peuvent attirer et retenir les nouveaux talents tout en favorisant la croissance et le succès.
Two businesspeople high-fiving each other
Two businesspeople high-fiving each other
Les dirigeants âgés ne sont pas prêts à prendre leur retraite? Laissez-les inspirer les autres
De nombreux dirigeants expérimentés choisissent de rester sur le marché du travail, ce qui offre aux organisations une opportunité importante. L’utilisation de programmes de mentorat en matière de leadership peut assurer des transitions de dirigeants harmonieuses et renforcer les compétences futures en matière de leadership. Cette évolution souligne l’importance de tirer parti de leur expertise pour inspirer la prochaine génération de dirigeants et gérer efficacement les changements organisationnels.