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Consumer Goods

The past few years have fundamentally challenged the consumer goods industry in several ways: online and omnichannel sales are dominant, much of the workforce can now be remote, supply chain issues are rampant, and interest in sustainability is renewed. Digital transformation is critical and that means investment in professionals with tech skills to address data privacy, ramp up marketing and ecommerce, and build out work-from-home platforms. Let’s work together to strengthen your consumer goods workforce.

Your partner in talent and workforce transformation

With a personalized, empathetic approach and proven track record, we are here for you to achieve your career and business goals.
Recruitment Solutions
Finding the right talent with the right skills is critical. With specialized consultants across the globe covering every professional industry, we can help you deliver the talent your organization needs.
When layoffs are unavoidable, offering comprehensive outplacement support to affected employees can go a long way in protecting your organization from the negative impacts of change.
Career Mobility & Development
Employees are looking for career growth now more than ever - don’t let them look elsewhere to find it. Our Career Mobility Solutions help you to increase retention while unlocking the critical skills your organization needs to succeed.
Leadership Development
Today, the success of leadership hinges on their ability to adapt. Effective leadership development is achieved by providing leaders with the skills they need to embrace new competencies and behaviors like greater empathy and EQ, resilience, agility, and virtual leadership.

Go from goods to great 

For more than three decades, we’ve partnered with more than 11,000 consumer goods companies and connected them with more than 200,000 skilled and vetted professionals. So, while you’re busy upgrading technology, managing cash flow, and revamping your go-to-market strategies, let us take care of your talent solutions.

Go from goods to great 

For more than three decades, we’ve partnered with more than 11,000 consumer goods companies and connected them with more than 200,000 skilled and vetted professionals. So, while you’re busy upgrading technology, managing cash flow, and revamping your go-to-market strategies, let us take care of your talent solutions.

Latest insights

With a deep understanding of the world of work, and powered by knowledge from decades of experience, our experts provide strategic insights and thought-provoking perspectives to help you stay ahead of the competition.
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