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Are layoffs on the horizon?

Planning and support with the help of an experienced, caring outplacement partner can make things easier.
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Global Workforce 2.0: How to build a Winning Talent Strategy for the Future

Get Ready for Next with the most up-to-date workplace trends.
Learn how to attract and, most importantly, retain top talent

Global Workforce 2.0: How to build a Winning Talent Strategy for the Future

Get Ready for Next with the most up-to-date workplace trends.
Learn how to attract and, most importantly, retain top talent

Looking To Support Your Transitioning Employees?

At LHH, we provide individualized career guidance, insight,
motivation, and resources for more opportunities than
ever before—delivered in a tailored, technology-enabled,
human-driven experience.

Looking To Support Your Transitioning Employees?

At LHH, we provide individualized career guidance, insight,
motivation, and resources for more opportunities than
ever before—delivered in a tailored, technology-enabled,
human-driven experience.
1:1 Career Coaching
Our team of accredited career experts guide candidates through every step of the career change process.
Personal Branding
With the support of our expert brand specialists, we help candidates to showcase their unique skills, strengths and experiences.
Active Placement
Our unique strategy for connecting people to jobs has dramatically enhanced the search process, reducing time to placement by up to 65%.
Career Development Support
Making the right career decisions requires reflection, planning and action. Our career development resources help candidates take control of their professional journey.
Upskilling & Reskilling Portal
With upskilling from LinkedIn® Learning and General Assembly, we help candidates land in today’s most in-demand jobs.
Labor Market Insights
By using innovative resources like our AI powered digital career agent and interactive interview simulator, candidates are empowered to create their own future.
It [LHH's program] demonstrated that my previous employer cared for the well-being of their employees even when they're transitioning out due to redundancy.
Large Financial Institution

2023 Layoff Resource Hub

Layoffs are a critical moment for every organization. Our complimentary resources are designed to help you support your employees to achieve the best outcomes.
finding the right words for effective presentation
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam nec commodo mauris. Aliquam erat volutpat....
Lorem ipsum
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam nec commodo mauris. Aliquam erat volutpat....
finding the right words for effective presentation
Lorem ipsum
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam nec commodo mauris. Aliquam erat volutpat....