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Unlock the Power of Your LinkedIn Profile

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Posted On Sep 20, 2023 

Your LinkedIn profile acts like a digital passport to the professional world. It tells recruiters who you are, (in a work capacity) helps to build meaningful connections, and is ultimately your greatest tool in kick-starting your career journey.


At face value, LinkedIn may seem like any other social media profile—you add a photo of yourself, a short bio, and some past work experience. But LinkedIn is actually much more nuanced than that. In order to grab a hiring manager or industry leader's attention, you must create a strong profile—complete with a professional headshot, keyword-infused bio, and engaging layout of past experience and skills. Not sure where to start? Read on for three insider tips for creating an LI profile that will make a lasting impression.


1. Captivate Your Audience


Your LinkedIn profile should be more than just a carbon copy of your resume. Yes, it’s a chance to showcase your work history and experience, but it also allows for a more personal look at who you are—take advantage of that! As opposed to copying and pasting your resume into the experience section, try adding a more conversational tone. This will help engage your audience in a way that feels personal and helps them to get a feel for who you are, along with what your experience entails. However, keep it brief! Like a resume, no one wants to spend too much time reading your profile. So try sticking to the three C’s: clear, concise, conversational.


Use this opportunity to integrate your unique voice into your LinkedIn page. If you’re unsure what tone you should use, imagine how you would like to sound if you were talking to a hiring manager in person. Once you’ve established this voice, craft a personal tagline that showcases your experience. It helps to look at other profiles from those in the same line of work—what keywords and tone are they using? It’s okay to mimic what you see, as long as you make it your own.


2. Elevate Your Summary, Skills, & Experience


Good first impressions are everything—especially in the business world. Since many of the connections we make happen online, it’s important to utilize the areas in which we can make a strong first impression, quickly. The summary section of your LinkedIn profile lies within that crucial, 5-10 seconds when someone first looks at your page. You might consider it the first impression sweet spot. So, how can you leverage this? Draft an elevator pitch that tells a brief, informative, and compelling story of who you are, as a professional. Include your current professional title, a few short words about your work history, the industry you’re in, and most importantly, a comment about your future aspirations.


Next, make sure to fully utilize the "Skills" section as your own personal SEO tool. This is where you can include industry buzzwords from your resume, emphasize specific competencies and interests, and showcase your unique professional values. Don't shy away from adding a hint of humor to make it even more engaging for the reader.


When it comes to the experience section, you have more flexibility to mimic your resume compared to other sections. However, unlike a resume, don't hesitate to include all of your past experiences instead of limiting it to just two or three. Start by giving a brief overview of the company, (and make sure to tag the correct one) then outline your contributions. For readability, break the information into short, digestible sections. As our resume guide suggests, focus on listing actionable analytics or specific contributions you made to the company, rather than general tasks you were assigned.


3. Take Advantage of the Small Ways to Stand Out


The "Additional Information" section gives you the chance to share any details that will help your profile stand out. This includes mentioning key interests, providing links to websites that showcase your talents, and customizing labels to encourage click-throughs. Taking these steps not only enriches your profile but also improves your Google page rankings, making you more visible to potential recruiters.


Additionally, highlighting your affiliations with trade associations or interest groups can help you connect with like-minded individuals and expand your network. If you have received awards or accolades from peers, customers, or employers, this section is the ideal place to list them.


Engaging with the LinkedIn community is one of the best ways to establish your profile on the platform. Go ahead and follow companies or leaders within your industry, and don’t be afraid to interact with their posts! Connect with as many peers as you can, in fact, the more connections you obtain, the better your profile looks. LinkedIn is different from other social platforms—you don’t need to know someone personally in order to connect. Just being in the same industry is reason enough.


In today's digital professional landscape, it’s essential to optimize your LinkedIn profile to be engaging and authentic. Having a standout LI page can make all the difference in landing an interview instead of getting lost among a sea of applicants. Now that you’re equipped with all the right tools, you can watch as your professional profile draws the attention it deserves.


Be sure to follow us on the LHH LinkedIn page here. You can also learn more about us here, or apply for a position through our job listings here.